Pete Benavidez Addresses Riverside City Hall

Brenda, Tony, and Priscilla at the Riverside City Hall meeting A watercolor rendition of Pete Benavidez at the Riverside City Hall meeting Pete and his friend at the city meeting Pete standing under the crest of Riverside City Hall Pete addressing City Hall Pete giving a speech about BSS at the Riverside City Hall meeting
Addressing the Riverside City Council Addressing City Hall Council members about the acheivements of BSS for 2015 Priscilla, Atonia and Brenda at the Riverside City Hall meeting Priscilla, Atonia and Brenda at the meeting Pete at the Riverside City Hall meeting Addressing City Hall
Pete at the meeting with Riverside City Council Pete giving a speech to Riverside City Hall Pete and Robin on Channel 7, ABC news when they addressed Los Angeles DMV on the Autonomous Self-Driving Car and the publics opinion about restricting its use to only drivers who have a valid driving license.

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