Independent Living Skills Department
The Independent Living Skills Program at BSS offers the specialized training necessary for personal and home management to individuals who are blind and visually impaired.
The I.L.S. Instructor will be teaching such skills as:

- Household Cleaning
- Vacuuming and Sweeping Techniques
- Meal Planning and Preparation
- Cooking Tips
- Identifying Clothing
- Shopping
- Money Identification
- Organizing a Budget
- Paying Bills
- Using a Handwriting Guide
- Braille Labeling
- Using Modern Communication Systems
- Computer Keyboarding (usually taught in the Technology section.)
- Internet (usually taught in the Technology section.)
Tasks include learning new ways to do many ordinary things that sighted people take for granted.
We have Independent Living Skills Instructors who work with program participants to establish course objectives. These objectives are designed to promote the consumer's ability to function independently in their home environment.
Our Departments also provide training in Spanish.
For more information please contact BSS at: (951) 341-9244